2021 Covid-19 - Social Distancing Guidelines

The following guidelines will be enforced at any Chili Youth Baseball event, practice or game (failure to comply could lead to removal from the league):

1. Whenever possible, adhere to six-foot physical distancing when off of the field of play.

2. Coach must wear a face covering when outside the field of play and not able to practice six-foot distancing. While on the field the coaches are not required to wear a face covering, however it is encouraged to wear one at all times if the coach feels comfortable doing so.

3. The coach will be responsible for implementing a system or person to sanitize any shared equipment between innings of play as well as sanitizing all shared equipment at the end of each practice or game. The coach will also offer sanitizer for anyone to use at their leisure.

4. The coach should try and refrain from physical contact as much as possible with players, coaches, umpires and fans. There will be no handshake lines at the end of a game. A team cheer is more appropriate. 

5. Coaches must try to remind players of the Covid-19 prevention measures such as six-foot social distancing, no contact and no sharing of water bottles or any personal equipment.

6. Please refrain from eating any seeds, gum or anything that could be spit out. 

7. Coaches must conduct daily symptom checks for possible covid-19 symptoms. If a coach is not feeling well it is best to stay home, but anyone with fever, cough or difficulty breathing, loss of taste or smell MUST stay home. If a player is symptomatic, coaches must call the parent and send the player home.

8. If a player/coach or umpire has tested positive with covid-19, the coach must follow the proper protocol and follow instructions from the Monroe County Health Department if need be.

9. If there are any end of game treats, they must be store bought and individually wrapped items.